Emergency Response Information

Keeping our schools safe and secure creates complex challenges. No single action by itself can make our schools safe, so protecting students and staff is a tremendous responsibility that requires a comprehensive approach. The training that students and staff receive about the district’s safety processes, plans, technologies and procedures empowers them to take effective action in emergencies.

Building Safety

Corvallis school facilities are equipped with secure entry points, internal communications and emergency alert systems.

Every school maintains safety plans and a crisis response plan tailored to its specific building, subject to regular reviews by both school and District staff. In addition, a District Safety Committee convenes regularly to assess existing safety plans, explore new developments, research findings, best practices, and implement updates to enhance our safety systems.

Conducting a series of drills throughout the academic year, each school addresses a spectrum of emergency scenarios to ensure the proper functioning of our emergency alert systems.

In addition to our security systems, plans and drills our District fosters collaborative partnerships with community emergency response agencies, such as the local Police and Fire Departments. Additionally, each of our schools is supported by a School Resource Officer (SRO), who is a dedicated local law enforcement officer placed in the District.

In The Event of an Emergency

What to do:

  • Tune your radio and TV to local stations for the latest emergency information.

  • Check school website and social media accounts.

  • Be prepared for additional information to be share via phone call, text message, and email.

  • Wait for any announcements with information.

  • Discuss emergencies with your child: review school procedures and any predetermine family plans.

  • Always remain calm.

Ways you can help when there is an emergency:

  • Please avoid coming to the school. Our personnel will take care of your child until they can be safely reunited with you.

  • Please avoid calling as overloading the phone system and secretaries will impede communications during an emergency.

  • Please wait for communication from the District.

Emergency Terminology

While emergency terminology is covered at school, please take a moment to review it with your children, as this terminology is crucial during emergency situations. The following has been adopted by a national program, Standard Response Protocol via the "i love you guys" foundation.

Locked down door indicating Hold status


Clear the halls. Students and staff clear the hallways and common areas, and remain in their classroom or other supervised area (such as cafeteria or gym). A hold remains in effect until the all clear is given.

Two hands held up to indicate a secure status.


The building is secured to separate students and staff from an outdoor hazard or threat(such as a natural disaster or danger in the community). All students and staff are brought inside the building, and all external doors are locked. Inside the building, classes continue as normal. Students and staff are kept safe until the concern has passed.

A padlock indicating lockdown status


Lock doors, lights off, and out of sight. If an alert or emergency situation occurs requiring a lockdown, follow these procedures for the safety of all students and staff.

  • Know an emergency response plan is in place to safeguard students and staff.

  • Lockdowns are usually short term measures, lasting minutes, not hours.

  • The school will not release students to parents during a lockdown.

  • No one will be allowed in or out of the building until the all clear is given by school administrators or law enforcement.

  • The District will defer to law enforcement during any emergency situation.

  • The District will use phone calls, text messages, email, and social media to communicate important information to families throughout the emergency.

  • Do not call the school; this will tie up emergency lines that must stay open.

  • Students and staff are asked to remain quiet during the duration of any lockdown, so direct communication with students is discouraged.

Three people holding hands indicating evacuate status


In some emergency situations, students and staff may need to evacuate the building. Some evacuations may be temporary: allowing school to resume after the all-clear signal is given. Other evacuations may require evacuation to an alternate site. Parents/ guardians will be informed using phone calls, text messages, emails, and social media if they need to pick up their student(s) following an evacuation. Any message will include the time and location of pick up.

A roof over a person's head indicating shelter status


In case of an urgent weather event (such as an earthquake or tornado) or outdoor health concern (such as a hazmat issue), a school may direct students and staff to seek appropriate shelter. After evaluating the concern, students and staff will be directed to next steps, which could include any of the previously described directives and actions.

Student - Parent Reunification

In the event of a school emergency that requires students to be evacuated from the school and relocated, be assured the Corvallis School District will care for all students until a parent or guardian can pick them up, or until it is safe to transport the students to their homes by school district transportation. Only a parent or guardian or another adult officially approved of by the parent or guardian (on record as such with the school) may pick up students.

Follow these guidelines for reunification with your student:

  • Parents/ guardians will be notified of the reunification site and other important information.

  • Bring photo identification with you to the reunification site.

  • When you arrive, you will be escorted to a reunification area.

  • Give your name and your students name to the staff member in charge of student - parent reunification. Show the staff member you photo identification.

  • Move to the designated waiting area and remain there until your student(s) is brought to you by a staff member.

  • Once you have your student(s), exit the reunification area.